Nothing Mexican Day

Ok, enough is enough. Not only do illegal immigrants demand free government services, the institution of Spanish language, the right to clog our streets with protesters donning Mexican flags,accusing us of being racist for wanting to controls our own borders, and condescendingly informing us that all of southwestern America is actually Atzlan, Mexico, now they are boycotting US goods with Nothing Gringo Day. As if the boycott itself wasn't audaciously insulting enough, the pejorative gringo is used in the title.
I recommend a less confrontational title, perhaps "Bite The Hand That Feeds You Day" or how about boycotting all the free medical care, schools, and other government services? They could call it "No Payroll Taxation Means No Government benefits Day", hmm a bit wordy that one. So what can a poor gringo do?
How about "Nothing Mexican Day"?
After all, turn about is fair play. The concept is simple, just don't buy anything Mexican. Refuse to purchase any products "Hencho en Mexico". This could have a severe effect on the flimsy Mexican economy that benefits greatly by being next door neighbors to the largest consumer spender in the world. With Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) coming just 4 days after "Nothing Gringo Day", the effects would be felt almost immediately. Cinco de Mayo is the biggest day of the year for Mexican breweries like Corona, Dos Exes and Modelo. If you were planning a trip south of the border, go to Canada instead, or better yet, visit a part a this great nation you haven't seen yet. You can get a change of scenery without waiving the Bill of Rights at the border.
Our leaders in government may be spineless, but we still have control over our own spending, and we can send a message to illegals and the Mexican government that we're not going to take this lying down. There is no reason why this won't work, and we can do it (si se pueda) without protesting, breaking laws, race-baiting or even calling names.
**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.**
DeMediacratic Nation cross posted this article.
Our leaders in government may be spineless, but we still have control over our own spending, and we can send a message to illegals and the Mexican government that we're not going to take this lying down. There is no reason why this won't work, and we can do it (si se pueda) without protesting, breaking laws, race-baiting or even calling names.
**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.**
DeMediacratic Nation cross posted this article.
Hope it's ok, as I am not sure of your "status" (not talking about citizenship here), but I cross posted this post at
as a CAII post.
By all means, post it everywhere.
cute baby, btw
I like the idea of "Nothing Mexican Day." But watch for the ACLU to object.
Excellent post Kev!...great thinking..will link to it ASAP!.Blog on buddy..:)
everyday is boycott ACLU day :)
Good idea, I had not heard about "nothing gringo" day.
So, will do , thanks.
Nothing Mexican?
You hatemonger! *wink*
Excellent! I will make this my crosspost of the day :)
Will we have to write the signs in spanish? My high school spanish is a little rusty
WMD Maker
I know you're only teasing ( and spoofing the left) but I think this needs to be said;
Gringo is a fairly mild insult,I grew up in Southern Calif and have heard it lots of times. Mexicans use this word all the time. But that doesn't mean I want to be called a Gringo. You can call me an American, thank you very much. I never liked the term Anglo either, it refers to the Angle's who came from Denmark. It's like refering to all Latino's as Mexicans. Although we share the same skin color, the people of Europe are quite diverse. No offense is intended in the usage of Gringo or Anglo, but I do make a point of saying that I am niether Anglo or Gringo.To that point I would never use any of the pejoritves used to describe Mexicans.
How about "Nothing Mexican Day"?
Hmmm...Yeah, turnabout's fair play. If they think we need them, perhaps they should give some thought to how they need us.
Do you suppose we could include as part of "Nothing Mexican Day" the exclusion of all travel, legal and illegal, from Mexico into the United States?
Naw. Personally, I think it's time for us to make up a list of our three most pressing current concerns, and since neither major party will address them satisfactorily, find ourselves a candidate who is willing to run on them as a platform, and form a third party.
Everybody says "it can't be done," primarily because the Republicrats have erected such formidible barriers to formation of other parties that it is quite hard to do.
But they can't stop us; if there is a "critical mass" of enough people who are pissed off, it can be done.
Remember Ross Perot and the Reform Party? many think, for better or for worse, that he would have won had he not withdrawn. He had about 39% of the electorate favoring him at the time he quit.
Anybody got any favorites to put up for nomination?
If the immigration reform goes thru we will have a viable third party the Democratic Socialist Party from Mexico. pretty much already has somewhere between 12 and 20 MILLION.
WMD Maker
I am honestly starting to beleive that the whiteman is the devil.
That certainly makes you a racist.
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